Conference proceedings/presentations
CARE INNOVTION, May 8-11. 2023, Vienna
- T. Sakao, P. Golinska-Dawson, J. Vogt Duberg, E. Sundin, J. Hidalgo Crespo, A. Riel, J. Peeters, A. Green, F. Mathieux: Product-as-a-Service for critical raw materials: challenges, enablers, and needed research.
The 31st CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (LCE 2024), Jun 19-21, Turin, Italy
- Vogt Duberg, J., Sundin, E., Kurilova-Palisaitiene, J.; Exploring the incentives for initiating remanufacturing: experiences from eight European original equipment manufacturer; 2024; LiU;
- Terrin Pulikottil, Núria Boix Rodríguez, Jef R. Peeters; Robotic ease of Disassembly Metric (Re-DiM) for human robot cooperative disassembly: A case study for a vacuum cleaner; 2024; KUL;
- Pawel Pawlewski, Paulina Golinska-Dawson; A new method for simulation modelling of leaner remanufacturing in PaaS settings; 2024; PUT;
- Paulina Golinska-Dawson, Zofia Zysnarska, Alicja Pender; Assessment of the maturity of product-as-a-service business models for household appliances from the perspective of R strategies in Circular Economy; 2024; PUT;
- J. Hidalgo-Crespo, Andreas Riel, Johan Vogt Duberg, Alex Bunodiere, Paulina Golinska-Dawson; An exploratory study for product-as-a-service (PaaS) offers development for electrical and electronic equipment; 2024; IPG, LiU, KUL, and PUT;
- Christian Wandji, Helmi Ben Rejeb, Andreas Riel, Peggy Zwolinski; Parametric LCA integrating a product’s State of Health: A decision-making tool based on environmental impact in the context of circular strategy; 2024; IPG;
The 30th CIRP Life Cycle Engineering Conference, May 15-17, 2023. New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA.
- J. Hidalgo-Crespo, Andreas Riel, Peggy Zwolinski, Christian Wandji, J.L. Amaya-Rivas; Measuring the level of acceptance from the population of Guayas Province for different PaaS models: The case of the washing machine. 2023; IPG;
The 57th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, May 29-31, 2024, Povoa de Varzim, Portugal
- J. Hidalgo-Crespo, Andreas Riel, Tomohiko Sakao, Joost R. Duflou; Design platform concept for product-as-a-service by electrical and electronic equipment manufacturers; 2024; IPG, LiU, and KUL;
The 56th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, 2023, South Africa
- Christian Wandji, Helmi Ben Rejeb, Andreas Riel, Peggy Zwolinski, Cyrille Dalla Zuanna; Leveraging circularity through repair standards: A comparison of methods for assessing product reparability for extended use on mechanical products; 2023; IPG;
The 34th CIRP Design Conference, June 03-05, 2024, Cranfield University, UK.
- J. Hidalgo-Crespo, Andreas Riel, Paulina Golinska-Dawson, Jef R. Peeters, Karolina Werner-Lewandowska, Joost R. Duflou. Facilitating circularity: challenges and design guidelines of Product-as-a-Service (PaaS) business model offers for electrical and electronic equipment; 2024; IPG, PUT, KUL;
The 31st EuroSPI Conference, 4 – 6 September 2024, Grenoble, France
- José Hidalgo-Crespo, Andreas Riel; Towards user Centric Design Guidelines: The Case of Home Appliances; 2024; IPG; DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-42307-9_14
European Robotics Forum, ERF 2024, Mar 13-15, Rimini, Italy
- Terrin Pulikottil, Wouter Sterkens, Mathijs Piessens and Jef R. Peeters; Robotic ease of Disassembly Metric (Re-DiM) for flexible cooperative remanufacturing of bike batteries; 2024; KUL; open access to be obtained soon
The 11th Swedish Production Symposium (SPS2024), April 23-26 2024, Trollhättan, Sweden
- Vogt Duberg, J., Sakao, T.; Supporting the Transformation to Access-Based Business Models in a Circular Economy with a Practical Model for Calculating the Costs of the Provider; 2024; LiU;